Friday, February 10, 2006
11 minutes
just the time i've got until this cd is complete... another weekend, quite special (madrigrass!), to me, more people to know, more shots, more human beings to interact with my not-so-new-disguise... i'm not a huntress but somehow, sometimes this turns into that stupid game, where "nobody" knows exactly what the other hides, what the other wants, nothing more obvious, so foolish... fun at the end... if someone who doesn't know me saw me there, they could say i'm a player, i must admit, being nice and flirty (sometimes) is very useful in what i do, at the begining and at the end, my mission is to make everyone i talk to like they are in a HUGE party, it's not hard if i think only the idea that everyone has something good within and i cannot condemn everyone for their past (everyone deserves a second chance)... although, nobody has fulfilled the requisites to let them take another step, so, everything just stays almost as the time when i arrived... as we used to say... we, the pokemons, evolve!