Tuesday, February 14, 2006



this is a song i've been listening the last days, the first time was many years ago... the band is called "El Tri"...

te gustaria verme tirado / would you like to see me lying
en un charcho de sangre / over a blood puddle?
o colgado de una cuerda / or hanging on a rope
sin aliento y sin aire / without breath neither air
o cayendo lentamente / or falling slowly
al fondo de un abismo / to the bottom of the abyss
todo despanzurrado / all torn
y haciendo bizcos / and wall-eyed?

te gustaria vereme tirado / would you like to see me lying
en la banqueta / on the stool?
babeando sangre por la boca / dripping blood from my mouth
y con la bragueta abierta / and with my zipper open?
causando lastimas a los peatones / causing pity to the pedestrians
y a toda la bola de golfos / and all the bunch of pimps
y mendilones / and beggars?

saca mi cruz y clavame las estacas
/ take out my cross and nail me the stakes
quiero ver el autobus que ha de llevarme al infierno
/ i want to see the bus that will take me to hell

te gustaria verme en la calle de la amargura
/ would you like to see me on the street of bitterness

o buscando algo que comer / or looking for something to eat
en el bote de la basura / in the garbage can?
o pidiendo limosna / or begging
en las esquinas / at the corners
o clavado en la carcel / or stuck in jail
lavando las letrinas / cleaning the latrines?

no hay por que temer / there's no reason to fear
solo me estoy desangrando / i'm only bleeding
nena no te preocupes / baby don't worry
solo estoy agonizando / i'm only agonizing

te gustaria de una vez verme / would you like to see me
3 metros bajo tierra / 6 feet under, at last?
y que en mi epitafio dijera / and that my epitaph said
"ay, q bueno era" / "oh, he was so good!"
para que asi todos hablaran de mis cualidades
/ so everyone would talk about my qualities
aunque en el fondo me odien / even when deep inside they hate me
por decirles sus verdades / for telling them their truth

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