Tuesday, November 28, 2006



rock it by... bye... bye
everything's gonna be alright
used to listen to that tune when i was feeling down back in the 90s
now i'm eager to leave this place but with a better attitude
twas funny to remember that detail!

Friday, November 24, 2006



i've risked a lot... i just can't wait until this semester is done
i just... want to get over this as soon as possible
music calms down beast
hasn't felt it as true as now with this song "no lo sabes... yo tampoco"...

Thursday, November 23, 2006


life's what you make out of it

the sun is shining down here
even so
it feels so gloom

staring at someone's picture while i wonder if this is all in life
and i refuse to comform

the only thing that makes people moving
is the feeling of not being comfortable
that's what keeps them striving to something else
someone else
somewhere else

i'm not comfortable
will i ever be?
i guess i won't
at least i'll be for a moment
but then i'll keep moving
that might be the reason why i've lost someone
or myself... no... not myself
still so
i don't feel like singing today... or at least now

everyday i'm getting close to the conclusion that there's no reason to make any effort to "fit in"
we're already here so we "fit in" just the way we are

getting closer yet so far

Monday, November 20, 2006


keep it high

we remember some features when we meet people
in fact, we focus in a few of them when we meet people
i focus in the eyes

and that's, until today, the best way to knock me down at once
eyes like Hrithik Roshan's are my greatest weakness in my known world
i can be completely indifferent to everything and show a stone heart to everyone
with those eyes... i just don't find reason, even just for joking, to play that role

Friday, November 17, 2006


just rock it

i've seen many eyes
deceiveful, trustful, dreamy and sick
but eyes like these
oh my
only once for a short time
getting lost in a illusion
just taking the leap just like there was nothing else to do in this life
i'm just planing around
dreaming around

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


call it

or whatever
i know what i wanted since the very first time i knew about fantasy
that i wanted it to be real
kinda frustrating
kinda hard to admit
that it's easier to sit down and comform with all that reality has to offer, which is not a little, but still forgetting about all those adventures that are supposed to belong to dream's realm

i used to walk a lot there
i used to play even more there
then i used to escape there like i had nothing here... like i cared about nothing here
and then i realised i couldn't live like that because i was here
and then i started to live here
and yesterday
i visited that place again
it was awesome
it was like in the old days
it was even better
and i felt strange... because i couldn't reach that place with my own hands
i couldn't be with them, i couldn't be part of them
i was in between
and then... i started to write this down
to see if somehow
i find some kind of sense in all this situation
which has been part of my life since i can recall my own conscience

Saturday, November 04, 2006


orientación vocacional

la educación ha perdido orientación...
ahora va al colegio hasta quien no quiere
ingresa quien no le interesa
y egresa quien menos le importa

todo por... tener una chamba con la cual pagar los gastos y... sobrevivir

por eso mismo antes de embriagar a la gente con sueños de la casa bonita, los viajes perfectos y las compras interminables asociándolo directamente al trabajo que se vaya a desempeñar hay una pregunta básica y casi risible que se debería presentar

QUE HARÍAS SI TUVIERAS YA 100 MILLONES DE (euros-libras-dolares-ponga la moneda que ud. prefiera)

así la gente sería algo más sincera consigo misma y con su vocación pues no se puede pedir que la gente conteste cabalmente si ya se le mete la paranoia de la pobreza, rechazo, desesperanza y demás... dioses, vaya ud. a saber cuántos terminan con sus ingresos a punta de adicciones con las cuales tratan de escaparse de esa triste realidad a la que se metieron con la promesa de conseguir el estilo de vida deseado... o envidiado? pues seamos francos, muchos parchan sus carencias personales con cuanta cacharpa y accesorio encuentren en el mercado que de la imagne de tener "status" o "clase" y estar en un nivel muy aparte del "populorum"... dioses, la capacidad de administración de dinero y/o mando no es hereditaria, para ejemplo ya se tiene la laaarga lista de cambios de regentes en todos los tipos de gobierno desde que la humanidad requirio echarle la guía de su sociedad a un grupo de gatos que eran más capaces que el resto, o al menos así parecían pues al resto le fue suficiente para mantenerl@ ahí o no tuvo el coraje de arriesgarse por su cuenta, en fin, eso es historia...

obviamente la respuesta sería mas cercana a la vocación y madurez actual del individuo lo que es crucialmente importante cuando ya te embarcas a estudiar algo en lo que (en teoría) dedicarás tus días.... asi que sea quien sea que lea esto... a ver si también da su empujón a arreglar este desbarajuste educacional con repercusiones en el mercado laboral tanto cualitativa como cuantitativamente que acarreó la psicosis de "sin cartón eres nadie"...

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