Friday, April 14, 2006


fighting the ghost

smooth songs on the air... my ghost is more awake than before... its glance, its look, its alluring presence with charming effects that shamelessly steals smiles from me (and i don't mind giving them again and again)... a ghost... will it ever have a face again?... in silence i hope... in silence left the last face behind... but it fitted so well that i just can't stop reminding myself about it...

my head lies over its lap, i recall a soft caress while i close my eyes... for a second i don't want to open my eyes and face the fact that its just the ghost again, that there's no one else but me... months have passed, and i've chosen to keep that ghost with the sweet ideal that at least once there was someone who fitted almost to perfection into that specter without meaning it, just by being... so... it could happen again... then... i wake up... i walk to the door... and leave the ghost behind... until it finds me again... to remind me that the dream isn't over, the dream was real for a few days and it's eager to be real again... to never lose that "foolish" hope... to smile n keep going!

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