Monday, February 20, 2006


Weekend report

Wednesday: First firemen's party at Slopes, good shift, almost without anoying guys
Thrusday: Second firemen's party at Slopes, good shift, hell, it seems like some of these guys have too much blood in their alcoholic veins, 1 fight, anyway, it was good night.
Friday: Hell day at the hotel, many rooms to do and i barely had time to get ready for my job at night, even so, i checked my email and found out that a friend wouldn't be coming as he said he would 'cos he hurt his foot on wednesday, i felt happy for having news of him but bad at the same time knowing that i wouldn't see him again in a undetermined time. Went to the Spinning Room, talked with Gigi and told her the bad news, after a while i went to work, it was nice... almost at the end Gigi came to Slopes and said "i've got a surprise for you, turn around", he was there, and i found a better reason to keep smiling to sell more shots, finished that tray and we were hanging out the rest of the night...
Saturday: Easy day at the hotel, all stays. By night everything started at the Spinning Room's Luau and then i went to Slopes' Beach party, (now i know that it's not good for bussiness being alluring when there are more girls around since the boys will buy the shots for them and if they have a glimpse of competition they'll send me right down to hell before getting a shot from me), anyway, he showed up later and we kept playing pool the rest of the night (or should i say early morning?)
Sunday: Another easy day at the hotel, got time for a short nap and being at the Spinning Room to make that Pisco Sour i've been waiting for almost a month, went to work and it was a good shift but decided to stay with this friend instead of selling shots because that's something that money will never get, good times with someone special... went home and said "see you later!"...

Monday: Hell day at the hotel, had 3 tacos and i've been checking the computer for hours, now it's time for me to go to bed, it's been a great weekend, the best february ever in my life!

good friends are forever and it's because of people like him that i can still keep the faith, hope, a smile and laugh even when i'm falling down to pieces... yes, he made my weekend.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006



this is a song i've been listening the last days, the first time was many years ago... the band is called "El Tri"...

te gustaria verme tirado / would you like to see me lying
en un charcho de sangre / over a blood puddle?
o colgado de una cuerda / or hanging on a rope
sin aliento y sin aire / without breath neither air
o cayendo lentamente / or falling slowly
al fondo de un abismo / to the bottom of the abyss
todo despanzurrado / all torn
y haciendo bizcos / and wall-eyed?

te gustaria vereme tirado / would you like to see me lying
en la banqueta / on the stool?
babeando sangre por la boca / dripping blood from my mouth
y con la bragueta abierta / and with my zipper open?
causando lastimas a los peatones / causing pity to the pedestrians
y a toda la bola de golfos / and all the bunch of pimps
y mendilones / and beggars?

saca mi cruz y clavame las estacas
/ take out my cross and nail me the stakes
quiero ver el autobus que ha de llevarme al infierno
/ i want to see the bus that will take me to hell

te gustaria verme en la calle de la amargura
/ would you like to see me on the street of bitterness

o buscando algo que comer / or looking for something to eat
en el bote de la basura / in the garbage can?
o pidiendo limosna / or begging
en las esquinas / at the corners
o clavado en la carcel / or stuck in jail
lavando las letrinas / cleaning the latrines?

no hay por que temer / there's no reason to fear
solo me estoy desangrando / i'm only bleeding
nena no te preocupes / baby don't worry
solo estoy agonizando / i'm only agonizing

te gustaria de una vez verme / would you like to see me
3 metros bajo tierra / 6 feet under, at last?
y que en mi epitafio dijera / and that my epitaph said
"ay, q bueno era" / "oh, he was so good!"
para que asi todos hablaran de mis cualidades
/ so everyone would talk about my qualities
aunque en el fondo me odien / even when deep inside they hate me
por decirles sus verdades / for telling them their truth



tell me it's not true... without lying

say that at least something was real...
without making another illusion

my weakness... my word, i'm bounded to it, it's one of the few things that are really mine to give, i must be extra careful the next time i say "siempre" (always)

/...cuantos desenganios
por una cabeza
yo jure mil veces
"no vuelvo a insistir"
pero si un mirar
me hiere al pasar
no tendria problema
en volver a conversar

(hahahaha, that was awful, almost heretic!!!)

Sunday, February 12, 2006


I'd Rather Get An Honest Punch Than A Fake Caress...

Current mood:Get the idea with "Out Of Tears" - The Rolling Stones
I remember years ago when Shakira came to Peru promoting her first album, i recognized she was one of a kind, i didn't like her music at all but i respected her anyway... then she came to the US and had all this change of look and had other influences in her music. It is now that i pay attention to her songs since i've found that some of her lyrics just fitted almost perfectly into what i was going through. The first song was "La Tortura", it deals with a girl who is dumping her boyfriend/ex/lover or something like that because he just can't stop seeing and talking about his ex (another undecided-past-dweller, it always sucks!), lately i listened "Don't Bother", and... what can i say... even when everything seems to be almost like the song says, there's a part of me that wants to believe that it's not (i wouldn't make a conclusion if i hadn't heard every side of the story)... but if it's what it seems (hell, i wouldn't be the third wheel regardless of how do i feel about him!), i'd like to know the truth and why, anyway, whatever it is, it won't change what happened...

Friday, February 10, 2006


11 minutes

just the time i've got until this cd is complete... another weekend, quite special (madrigrass!), to me, more people to know, more shots, more human beings to interact with my not-so-new-disguise... i'm not a huntress but somehow, sometimes this turns into that stupid game, where "nobody" knows exactly what the other hides, what the other wants, nothing more obvious, so foolish... fun at the end... if someone who doesn't know me saw me there, they could say i'm a player, i must admit, being nice and flirty (sometimes) is very useful in what i do, at the begining and at the end, my mission is to make everyone i talk to like they are in a HUGE party, it's not hard if i think only the idea that everyone has something good within and i cannot condemn everyone for their past (everyone deserves a second chance)... although, nobody has fulfilled the requisites to let them take another step, so, everything just stays almost as the time when i arrived... as we used to say... we, the pokemons, evolve!

Thursday, February 09, 2006


i must be insane

3... 2... 1...

there was a time
when i was good making rhymes...

but then i got confused and
all i do now is breaking the lines...

memories cross my mind,
shooting stars above my eyes,

i breath
and i think,
"this is going to be fine"...

lowering my face, i look through what i think i must go,
many paths, many miles, all the decisions, all at once,
i won't know if it was right of wrong for sure until i die

did you see? i'm not good making rhymes,
i've lost the poetry (once in a while),
i still can play,
a little time just for today,
may be i could run and hit the ground,
but it won't stop me...
until i reach the end

breaking the line again
would you like what is coming up next?

Sunday, February 05, 2006


looking for a song - 1st

... once upon a time there was a friend of mine who came back after a long trip from a very distant land... everyone and everything was almost the same but there was just one missing detail, someone who left before this friend came back... news of the place, gossip from around, each minute he spent there was a new story to talk about... would you like to know what happened next? i will tell you for sure, in another time...

Saturday, February 04, 2006


rain - snow

just a little difference... just a few degrees colder and that's the difference between the insanity that reminds me the Killing Joke and the hypnotizing feeling when the snowflakes are around, so tiny, so fragile... dissapearing when they touch my hand knowing that none of them is like another, human being did someone say?... may be, may be.
there's nothing left for me but to keep going, a treason can come with a smile and while the word "my friend" comes out from someone's grinning mouth, a good advice could come from someone who never liked you or neither knew you... who knows, not me, i'm just riding on this highway called life, or should i say "skydiving"? each moment we pass gets us closer to the end, but noone knows how high they are before they jump and sometimes everything is too cloudy to even know if we're closer to the ground of if something else will hit us in the middle of our fall spoiling what "we could have done"///

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