Tuesday, June 27, 2006



sniffin under my pillow... no it isn't there... i take my blankets off... there it is... lost for centuries, that single part i was starting to get used to get out without... patience
grabbing all these things making a big ball of furry memories to throw to the corner of my room, the less walked one... lights are still dim, i don't care, i can't stay here anymore
i'm draggin my bones to the bathroom, a quick shower, i go out, clothes on me again, close to be ready... today is hunting day? oh poor of them, i'm starting to feel sorry for them... but well, if they're fool enough to swallow the decoy, well, they might be breathing someone else's air...
i open the curtains, the sky is so fair, quiet... alien to all mortal's affairs and yet, with something that seems charity more than anything else, lets a few rays to touch us in those moments when we're too alone to notice the crowd we're into... i say hi... it's been a long time (yeah, just one day) and farewell, i'm departing to my new adventure, new preys, more action... just... another way to feel my blood in my veins... but tonight... i feel more like climbing to the highest part and stare at the stars while i write about those silly things i've done once (and again)... i grab my notebook.. and the camera.. if i change my mood i'd like pics of the events
flirty city, it'll allure anyone who hasn't met her yet, will let them fall into their traps and it'll swallow them without chewing them first... and then... just spit them when they're not juicy enough... who's today's fool? just temember, if it happens to you, let it drain you as quick as you can, so you can get out sooner and recover even faster, if you screwed up, then do it until you reach the bottom, never leave something half-done
DAMN IT where am i? i shouldn't write and walk at the same time, that's how i've lost my path the last times!... anyway, looks like something could happen here.. well, let's make it happen
1... 2... 3... jump... turn.... shoot... hang on... swing twice, let loose.... fly for 4 seconds... don't hit the wall with your head (it always hurt)... turn.... climb... climb... climb... climb... (damn it! this is high!)... oh demons... wacky ones chasing me, at least it worked.... run... grab your stuff, you don't wanna let it drop here... aim high... shoot... oh demons, i should have left the spare hooks at home... so i guess, this is the moment when i put everything on my back... and fight... a fair fight...
oh demons... they weren't that much the last time i looked back.... anyway... it's me or them... let's make it "them"... as long as i can...
Currently listening:
Weiss Kreuz Best Album
By: Japanimation

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