Friday, June 02, 2006


picking myself up

as easy as it sounds... but i can't take all the credit of that... destiny has been very kind with me lately, so i must do my best to keep it on my side (or at least keep myself closer to it)... ghost have faded away, but (paraphrasing led zep) the memory remains the same... it's great to feel my lungs full again!
i'm not tired at all... realising about a few things a was afraid to admit but hell, at least i'll be done with this soon... then, wings and wind... i'll fly away wherever i have to
it's funny to live some things like it'd be the last chance you'll ever have to make them... at least, i won't go to bed with that doubt in my head anymore...
i feel tired... i must sleep... read you or see you, take care

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