Tuesday, May 23, 2006


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"you, so called friend... where were you all this time? hiding behind your fake smile again? what? did you believe i'd swallow all your words without analyzing them?... whatever... so take a seat... and tell me, how are you doing? it's been pretty fine around here so far... sometimes i find myself like a kind of... mice in a cage, pondering how to take over the world, just to have some fun... so... well... didn't you have something to tell me? i think you do since you've been 'around' all this time, did you miss me? did you think about me? 'cos i did, and in some way, i did miss you too... but now... i feel so awkward... lost yet at home... i guess it's part of being a little bit stressed... or maybe it's just me talking to myself again... are you still there? are you paying attention? do you really care about these things i'm saying once in a while? do you?...

well... but don't feel like i'm mad at you... i don't have a good reason to be, if you want to be like that with me, ok, it's your choice... but at least, be aware that i already know how bad your acting is... anyway, is everything going well with you? are you achieving all those things you wanted? i hope so... on my side... well... i'm still surfing between reality and dreamworld... sometimes i've seen myself talking with ghosts and holding shadows... like... now?"

En la errante soledad que me condeno al repasar estas páginas rebusco las respuestas a interrogantes que no sirven para la actualidad... todo fue... si la distancia e incomunicación fueran suficientes para olvidar... no seríamos capaces de recordar nuestra historia (demonios! y estar condenados a repetirla!)... así, habiendo aprendido de estos sucesos, cerraré los ojos para voltear la página y seguir con estas páginas en las que me encuentro escribiendo, eligiendo mis términos con el cuidado usual de mis discursos diarios... no se puede salvar lo que ya no está... mucho menos si es que no retribuye algún beneficio para la actualidad... ese frágil equilibrio entre dejar atrás sin descuidar... haciendo malabares y me toca, hoy o mañana, mandar un mensaje que, hasta estos días, es más probable que sea enviado por inet que en persona (a cada quien lo que merece)... jugando a la estrategia sin estrategia, la risa y la provocación en cándida inocencia de intención, no podré ser marcada como culpable si no encuentran pruebas para sustentarlo... y por lo visto, este fiscal es bastante estúpido, ya sea por que me subestima o por que se subestima a si mismo... dioses... hay gente que no aprende ni a golpes... pero de todos modos, en cierto grado... admito que me divierte

the game isn't over... yet

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