Sunday, May 21, 2006


bury'em... then dig and look for them

In silence i walked through the park, the idea slipped between my thoughts (again)... only stared at me just like it is, just an idea which won't move nor speak unless I allow it to do... even so, I'd like to hear the answer... but it's like the answer forgotten in the silence, that loneliness without abandonment which leaves traces in the memory, filling its streets with signs of a return that no one should expect to be... (but some do)
i won't lie... it's there, i know it's still there... i don't want to let it speak anymore... and it's there... it's there... i said i'd never leave that idea fall into oblivion... so i'm leaving that idea walk around.... it'll catch me without guard anytime... it'll hit me with a picture, with a fragrance, with a song, or maybe... just with the air, it'll laugh, i'll rise my head just to look at it waving good bye until the next time it assaults me... and i'll be wondering, how it could be, how... until it strikes again... and i'll hold it without touching it, wonder about it without longing it... and i'll keep doing my tasks...
then i'll wake up again, cursing everything that takes through this part of my path in such illusionary order, and i'll dress up and get ready to fit again into this game i don't want to be part anymore, but i want to finish it, at last, i must finish it (it won't beat me, not again)
i'll wonder the same in the morning while i watch the clock and substracting the numbers... time waits for nobody, if time is greater than us, why should i do what time doesn't? therefore, i shouldn't wait, therefore i don't... potential is not a reason to be with someone, it's an easy lesson i learned on the last year
Even so... i'll walk, i'll send my assigments, i'll sit in front of the computer for hours until i'm done with all those things i must, i'll sing, i'll laugh, i'll play and i'll walk again... i'll stare at the sky while i'm going to school (or home) pretending that i'm not there but somewhere else, just to make this more bareable... then i'll do everything again... and again.. and again.. until everything is completed... nothing lasts forever, nor there's someone who can live forever... how it would be?... live with youth's vitality and ancient's wisdom? be able to do all those things everyone dreams and be able to do them all, and find new ones to keep on moving... forever young
and i'll go to sleep again... i'll... i'm... i did... i just want to be done with all of this at once... and never ever have to see that place again for something related to studies.
bury them... and dig to fing them again... stripped and dirty (but alive)... then go away and play... then ask them and don't expect any answer... just smile, fly but don't let your feet leave the ground... inhale, exhale... open your eyes and realise... it's just a dream...
looking through the window, a sunny sky over the city today... don't spend your time wondering how long will it last, just enjoy...
lone walker... i've got to travel with light loads, just myself
"a veces cuando el sol se va... comprendo que, nunca tuve nada que y probablemente nunca lo tendre /.../ llevame aire del camino, hasta donde nadie me pueda encontrar, llevame aire tibio y azul y abandoname, con algo de tu luz /.../ a veces cuando asoma el sol, llenando de diamantes la quietud del mar, me doy cuenta de que siempre fue asi, siempre estuve sola y siempre lo estare... cuantas veces soniando despierta, creo verte en la multitud..." EN ALGUN LUGAR ALGUIEN YA ESCRIBIO QUE ESTE MUNDO NO ES NADA MAS QUE UNA PIEDRA REDONDA (then, kick it!)

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