Thursday, October 12, 2006
hace cinco siglos con 3.8 quinquenios un grupo de personas llego a la isla San Salvador y su capitan penso "albricias albricias! a la India hemos llegado!"... fue y regreso de su punto de origen 3 veces mas lo que llamo a mas paisanos y no tan paisanos a aventurarse por esta nueva ruta hacia las "Indias" (o algo parecido) buscando un mejor futuro al fin y al cabo... y asi nacio America, entraron por el caribe y fueron llegando cada vez mas al norte y al sur. La Gran America (en homenaje a Americo Vespucio), estaba siendo descubierta y conquistada por los hermanos europeos... y los siglos pasaron... un grupo de personas al norte se dieron cuenta que no tenian por que rendirle mas cuentas a los mandos al otro lado del charco (O. Atlantico) asi que armaronse y consiguieron indenpendizarse, por lo menos de corazon, de aquel lazo. Una respuesta similar se dio en Europa que reboto al sur de America que con las vertientes libertadoras desde ambos frentes del continente lograron que, por lo menos de corazon, America terminara su relacion subyugada con la, hasta entonces llamada, Madre Patria...
Mas años pasaron, algunas regiones lograron integrarse con mayor rapidez y exito que otras al tiempo que hay las que hasta hoy aun se cuestionan como por que o con quien integrarse... una discordia, un divorcio consigo misma, esa falta de identificacion de esto tan lindo que es la Gran America.
Su historia es diversa y confrontada pero ante todo y sobre todo rica por la fusion de etnias y costumbres que hacen surgir esta nueva cultura que por decision puede tomar (y lo hace) los mejores elementos de cada grupo para cocinar algo propio... pues ya sea por movimiento interno o externo, la riqueza de America esta en los inmigrantes que con respeto, tolerancia y buena voluntad viven juntos para día a día demostrar que no hay que esperar a estar muerto para vivir en el paraíso...
Salud por este día, herman@s de América!
five centuries with 3.8 five-year period ago a group of people arrived to San Salvador island and its capitan thought "congratulations! congratulations! to India we've arrived!"... they went and came back from their origin point 3 more times which called more compatriots and not-that-compatriots to be ventured on this new route to "India" (or something like) looking for a better future in the end... and that's how America was born, they came in through the caribbean and they were reaching more to the north and south. The Great America (in homage to Americo Vespucio) was being discovered and conquered by the european brothers... and centuries came by... a group of people on the north of America realised that they didn't have to give more explanations to the authorities on the other side of the ditch (Atlantic O.) so they took arms and they got their independence, at least in their hearts, from that tie. A similar response arose in Europe that bounced back to the south of America which with the freedom forces from on both sides of the continent they got that, at least in their hearts, America finished their subjugated relationship with the, until that day called, Mother Land...
More years passed by, some regions integrated faster and with more success than others at the same time that there are some regions that until today still question about the whys or with who do they have to integrate... a discord, an internal divorce, that lack of identity with this beautiful continent, the Great America.
Its history is as diverse and comfronted but before and above all, rich by the fusion of ethnic groups and traditions which makes arise a new culture that can choose (and it does) the best elements of each group to cook something of their own... because whether it's by internal or external movement, America's wealth resides on the inmigrants whom with respect, tolerance and good will live together to prove day by day that you don't have to die to live in paradise...
Cheers for this day, brothers and sisters of America!
Mas años pasaron, algunas regiones lograron integrarse con mayor rapidez y exito que otras al tiempo que hay las que hasta hoy aun se cuestionan como por que o con quien integrarse... una discordia, un divorcio consigo misma, esa falta de identificacion de esto tan lindo que es la Gran America.
Su historia es diversa y confrontada pero ante todo y sobre todo rica por la fusion de etnias y costumbres que hacen surgir esta nueva cultura que por decision puede tomar (y lo hace) los mejores elementos de cada grupo para cocinar algo propio... pues ya sea por movimiento interno o externo, la riqueza de America esta en los inmigrantes que con respeto, tolerancia y buena voluntad viven juntos para día a día demostrar que no hay que esperar a estar muerto para vivir en el paraíso...
Salud por este día, herman@s de América!
five centuries with 3.8 five-year period ago a group of people arrived to San Salvador island and its capitan thought "congratulations! congratulations! to India we've arrived!"... they went and came back from their origin point 3 more times which called more compatriots and not-that-compatriots to be ventured on this new route to "India" (or something like) looking for a better future in the end... and that's how America was born, they came in through the caribbean and they were reaching more to the north and south. The Great America (in homage to Americo Vespucio) was being discovered and conquered by the european brothers... and centuries came by... a group of people on the north of America realised that they didn't have to give more explanations to the authorities on the other side of the ditch (Atlantic O.) so they took arms and they got their independence, at least in their hearts, from that tie. A similar response arose in Europe that bounced back to the south of America which with the freedom forces from on both sides of the continent they got that, at least in their hearts, America finished their subjugated relationship with the, until that day called, Mother Land...
More years passed by, some regions integrated faster and with more success than others at the same time that there are some regions that until today still question about the whys or with who do they have to integrate... a discord, an internal divorce, that lack of identity with this beautiful continent, the Great America.
Its history is as diverse and comfronted but before and above all, rich by the fusion of ethnic groups and traditions which makes arise a new culture that can choose (and it does) the best elements of each group to cook something of their own... because whether it's by internal or external movement, America's wealth resides on the inmigrants whom with respect, tolerance and good will live together to prove day by day that you don't have to die to live in paradise...
Cheers for this day, brothers and sisters of America!